After experiencing a life-threatening brain injury, Fred witnessed God’s hand guiding him through surgery and recovery. His presence brought peace, strength, and healing in ways he never expected. Read his story of faith, resilience, and divine intervention.
Read MoreJoin Stories of God’s Grace in this weekly series of inspirational sermons delivered by Pastor Rebecca Mincieli of the John Wesley United Methodist Church of Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Read MoreMany thanks to the folks at Midwest Book Review for the wonderful review of Grace Revealed: Finding God's Strength in Any Crisis. It is wonderful to see the impact the book has on people. Many blessings.
Read More“Sievert’s desire to help others emanates from this lifeline of a book as he extends genuine hope to anyone drowning under the weight of impossible circumstances.”
Read MoreAdditional editorial reviews of Grace Revealed: Finding God’s Strength in Any Crisis.
Read MoreMany of us have friends or family members for whom drug abuse has destroyed marriages, relationships with children, careers and physical health. Addiction to any substance or activity eventually becomes all-consuming and renders the person powerless over its influence. Many addicts are constantly in crisis mode.
Read MoreThis story is an update to an earlier version that was published in my second book, Grace Revealed: Finding God’s Strength in Any Crisis. God has worked many miracles in Jess and Rob’s lives in the past two years.
Read MoreCeci was sexually abused as a child and was eventually able to begin healing with the help of her faith, family and music.
Read MoreGod often uses human relationships to guide our paths toward His intended purpose for our lives and to remind us to focus on what’s truly important. Here is my story, in recognition of International Friendship Day. It is from my first book, God Revealed: Revisit Your Past to Enrich Your Future.
Read MoreSexual abuse is one of the most common and damaging types of abuse a person can endure. Many organizations work tirelessly to prevent neglect and abuse and to treat the survivors. But there is one additional remedy that seems to work consistently—God’s grace.
Read MoreAs we observe PTSD Awareness Month this June, let’s pray for the safety of the almost 200,000 U.S. troops who are currently deployed overseas in 177 countries and for the countless veterans and civilians right here on our soil who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Read MoreThis story, inspired by the Nativity story, is an excerpt from the full text which may be found in Grace Revealed: Finding God's Strength in Any Crisis which may be purchased on
Read MoreWe Are to Love Others Unconditionally as God Loves Us Unconditionally
Read MorePTSD affects an estimated 12 to 20 percent of non-injured veterans and 32 percent of veterans who have been in combat. It’s a debilitating illness that can result when a person lives through a traumatic event such as war.
Read MoreEvery day in America, approximately 91 people die of an opioid overdose. According to the Centers for Disease Control, from 2000 to 2015, more than half a million Americans died of drug overdoses, and opioids account for most of those deaths.
Read MoreAlicia is a 20-year-old college student who lives in Pennsylvania. She has had a hearing disability most of her life, and because she is different, she was bullied in school. The bullying caused her to have anxiety, be depressed and harm herself. God was the only one who could heal her suffering - and He did just that when she called out to Him.
Read MoreConsider Paul’s teaching in chapter 12 on the nature of spiritual gifts. Each of us has such gifts. As we recognize Christ’s enormous sacrifice on the cross, we should contemplate our own gifts through which we can serve Him as a member of the body of Christ in advancing the Kingdom.
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