“Jesus did not let him, but said, ‘Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.’ So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.”
Share your Story of God's Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, and Love
Would you like to share a story of how you personally experienced God’s grace through your relationship with Jesus Christ? If so, we have provided a simple process for doing so. We realize that reliving and expressing your experience may be painful, but it is also likely to be healing, and it potentially could touch the lives of thousands of website followers and subscribers. We will use the form you submit to write an initial draft of your story. We will work with you to produce a final version suitable for posting on the website.
How To Share Your Story
THINK OUTLINE. We prefer to start with a bullet-point description from you that provides the essence of your story. It does not have to be polished or grammatically correct; it can be rough. You are encouraged to provide us with these notes as the first task, and then we will write a narrative draft based on those bulleted items.
Here is an example of what a bulleted list of highlights might look like:
- Born in 1985 in Philadelphia.
- Dad left when I was six; Mom was an alcoholic.
- Was moved to foster care at age eight.
- Felt like I couldn’t control anything; developed bulimia.
- Got caught sneaking out of the group home several times.
- (All the way to the end...)
If you prefer to submit your story in paragraph form, that’s fine, too.
In the notes you prepare, please include relevant information about you, your background, the source of the circumstances that led to your despair and a description of how you realized your need for divine intervention through God’s loving grace. Also describe how this experience has led you to “pay the grace forward” through Christian service to others.
The more you can include about your despair, your state of mind and your emotional inability to deal with this crisis on your own, the better. The more compelling your story about your difficulties, the more impactful will be your message of your deliverance from the agony by God's grace. Please include a detailed description of what happened to convince you it was God’s grace that allowed you to recover from your affliction and live a more fulfilling and happy life.
WE WILL CONSTRUCT A STORY FROM YOUR NOTES. Once we have a draft prepared, Fred will review it. Then we will send you a list of questions or conduct a phone interview to ask you clarifying questions and suggest areas in which you could share more details.
YOUR APPROVAL OF THE FINAL DRAFT IS IMPORTANT. We will go back and forth with you to make sure you agree with what we have written, and you can suggest changes. We can assure you complete anonymity if you would like us to do so by modifying names and non-essential details. If we do that, we will so indicate in the published story. In other words, we won’t write anything you don't want us to write.
This is a wonderful way for you to impact a large number of lives with your inspiring story! We look forward to reading your story and working with you to bring God’s message of hope and love to the world.
Our Short Form to Share your Story
Thank you for taking the time to complete this short form. Not all of the form fields are required. To ensure that your form is submitted correctly, please complete all of the required fields (the * denotes required fields).
Read Stories submitted by visitors to the website, and leave comments to encourage one another, for their bravery in sharing their intimate experiences with God.
Our weekly emails are packed with God's word. They may be stories of the way God is working in people's lives