After experiencing a life-threatening brain injury, Fred witnessed God’s hand guiding him through surgery and recovery. His presence brought peace, strength, and healing in ways he never expected. Read his story of faith, resilience, and divine intervention.
Read MoreWe are excited to share stories and songs from our friend Tim Cline. We are blessed to have such wonderful work to share! This week, we invite you to listen and enjoy “Faith”.
Read MoreGod often uses human relationships to guide our paths toward His intended purpose for our lives and to remind us to focus on what’s truly important. Here is my story, in recognition of International Friendship Day. It is from my first book, God Revealed: Revisit Your Past to Enrich Your Future.
Read MoreIn my interview yesterday, I noted that I would share my 5 tips on achieving early career success. I hope you find them as valuable as my daughter did!
Read MoreThe best way to prepare to hear from God is to remain faithful, prayerful, and watchful, no matter what challenges you face. Learn more in this week’s posts.
Read MoreOur new devotional series focuses on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. This important letter still serves as wise guidance for our churches today, almost 2,000 years later.
Read MoreDivisions in the church are just as damaging today as they were in Paul’s time. In this devotional, Paul emphasizes Christ’s centrality to the Christian faith of the Corinthians.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we see that salvation comes from faith in Christ and His resurrection and not from supernatural signs, which the Jews valued, or the wisdom, which the Greeks valued.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we learn a powerful lesson from one of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians: that we are all united as part of the temple of Christ, so none of us should boast about human leadership or argue over non-essential elements of doctrine or who is a better leader.
Read MoreIn this passage of Scripture, we learn to balance our freedom of choice with Paul’s reminder that our bodies are temples of Christ and that sexual immorality is an affront to Him.
Read MoreThis devotional debunks the popular myth that the Bible espouses male dominance and the subordinate role of women in marriage. Paul views marriage as a partnership of equals.
Read MoreWe continue to cover Paul’s teachings on the role of women in the church and in worship, with passages from his first letter to the Corinthians that are often misunderstood.
Read MoreOn Easter Sunday, I thought it would be appropriate to post chapter 13 of 1 Corinthians in its entirety. This chapter is often referred to as the “love chapter” and is easily recognized as perhaps the most popular biblical passage to be recited at weddings.
Read MoreA topic that divides many Christians today is the spiritual gift of speaking in tongues. We can gain clarity on this matter by reading Paul’s views with an understanding of the context of the worshipping practices at the time in Corinth.
Read MoreThis passage of Scripture is filled with hope about the glorious new life and spiritual bodies God will give us in the afterlife.
Read MoreToday’s devotional is the last one to focus on First Corinthians. Paul ends this letter with a lovely and hopeful declaration that we will ultimately be raised imperishable and that death will be swallowed up in our victory.
Read MoreToday’s devotional is on 2 Corinthians Chapter 1 and looks at the comfort God can provide to those who suffer.
Read MoreThis passage of Scripture demonstrates the powerful strategy Paul used to motivate the Corinthian church —by expressing love and confidence rather than criticizing.
Read MoreOne of the most moving experiences of my life came during a professional insurance industry meeting. The experience not only reinforced my faith but also the profound value of my profession and the efforts of insurance industry sales representatives and employees.
Read MoreMany times during my life, my faith has been reinforced and God’s existence has been very real to me. The experience that set the tone for the rest of my life occurred during my adolescence and was my first real encounter with the living God. Read my story to learn more.
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