This post introduces you to the book of Galatians. There is much joy in this chapter because it reveals that the way to salvation is no longer through following the law but rather through Jesus Christ’s atoning death on the cross.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we start with Galatians Chapter 1. The opening chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians takes on a much different tone than many of his other letters.
Read MoreIn this passage of Scripture, we learn about Paul’s conversion to Christianity and his courageous public testimony of how it happened. Many of the people who heard his story were not receptive to the possibility that he could have received revelations directly from Christ.
Read MoreThis devotional examines the most compelling biblical story of a faithful response to God: Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his only child, Isaac, because God asked him to.
Read MoreThis devotional explains how the law was our guardian until Christ the Redeemer came and ensured us of His grace through faith.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we explore the concept of God adopting us as children and preparing us to receive His holy grace.
Read MoreThis devotional describes the “acts of the flesh,” which we can resist if we live by the Spirit and thereby enjoy the “fruit of the Spirit.”
Read MoreIn this passage of Scripture, we learn that as Christians, we are to restore (or mend) one another gently, with kindness and love, rather than pointing out sin in a judgmental way.
Read MoreOur new devotional series focuses on Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians. This important letter still serves as wise guidance for our churches today, almost 2,000 years later.
Read MoreDivisions in the church are just as damaging today as they were in Paul’s time. In this devotional, Paul emphasizes Christ’s centrality to the Christian faith of the Corinthians.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we see that salvation comes from faith in Christ and His resurrection and not from supernatural signs, which the Jews valued, or the wisdom, which the Greeks valued.
Read MoreIn this Bible study, we learn that human wisdom comes from knowing God’s mind, which comes from the Holy Spirit within us.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we learn a powerful lesson from one of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians: that we are all united as part of the temple of Christ, so none of us should boast about human leadership or argue over non-essential elements of doctrine or who is a better leader.
Read MoreIn this devotional, we learn a powerful lesson from one of Paul’s letters to the Corinthians: that we are all united as part of the temple of Christ, so none of us should boast about human leadership or argue over non-essential elements of doctrine or who is a better leader.
Read MoreThis devotional addresses sexual immorality within the church community in Paul’s time and the detrimental influence that boasting about such behavior can have on the community of new believers.
Read MoreIn this passage of Scripture, we learn to balance our freedom of choice with Paul’s reminder that our bodies are temples of Christ and that sexual immorality is an affront to Him.
Read MoreThis devotional debunks the popular myth that the Bible espouses male dominance and the subordinate role of women in marriage. Paul views marriage as a partnership of equals.
Read MoreToday’s posting is about Paul’s deep concern for the idol worshipping taking place in polytheistic Corinth. The historical context of ancient Corinth may be quite different than today’s society, but the message remains applicable today — more than 20 centuries later.
Read MoreWe continue to cover Paul’s teachings on the role of women in the church and in worship, with passages from his first letter to the Corinthians that are often misunderstood.
Read MoreConsider Paul’s teaching in chapter 12 on the nature of spiritual gifts. Each of us has such gifts. As we recognize Christ’s enormous sacrifice on the cross, we should contemplate our own gifts through which we can serve Him as a member of the body of Christ in advancing the Kingdom.
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