Posts in God Revealed
My Friend Warren

Our life’s journey is sharply defined by the collection of people we encounter—especially those we ultimately consider close friends, who reflect God’s love through their loyal, supportive, and enduring friendship. Unfortunately, in today’s fast-paced mobile society we often change jobs, relocate, and lose touch with those dearest to us. After more than twenty-five years of separation from my friend Warren, God brought us back together in a way that positively impacted both of our lives.

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Finding Your Greatness

I firmly believe that each of us brings with us into this life skills and talents that combine to create personal greatness. Parents and teachers are uniquely positioned to encourage and nurture young people in discovering their greatness, something of which I was powerfully reminded as I was trying to decide what passions to pursue in my retirement years. It was another example of God preparing me for the impact I would have in the years ahead.

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The Hanoi Hilton: Burying the Painful Past

It is difficult to comprehend the use of torture against captured enemies in an effort to secure classified information. Despite such atrocities, I maintain my faith and occasionally see glimpses of healing, propitiation, and forgiveness. During my divinely timed exchange with a true American military hero—Congressman Sam Johnson—God gave me just one such glimpse.

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